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Thuis De Showroom chooses Claessens Erdmann...again

“Thuis De Showroom” has once again employed the expertise of Claessens Erdmann designers. Their transition from a traditional showroom to an immersive experience marks a significant shift.
“Thuis De Showroom” has once again employed the expertise of Claessens Erdmann designers. Their transition from a traditional showroom to an immersive experience marks a significant shift.
Previously focused on turnkey solutions, the move from 2,500 m2 to a 5,000 m2 space signifies a strategic pivot towards utilizing the raw potential of shell spaces for innovation.

This transformation aims not only to attract a diverse range of builders and developers but also to engage directly with end-customers: those purchasing homes or embarking on ambitious renovation projects with contractors. By reimagining the customer journey, this overhaul promises to elevate and enhance the overall experience.

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THUIS - the showroom
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