Chicken Simplicity


A complete update of the concept: from store design up to all graphics and communication.

An everyone's friend as it used to be. But now fresh and tasty and ready for further expansion.

Kippie has grown to become the leading franchise format for grilling and meal products.

Kippie has now became attractive for shopping malls to have onsite.

Kippie, a family business since 1945, is a fast-growing chicken and grill food formula. The formula was outdated, and Kippie asked us for a complete update of the concept: from store up to all communication.
We take simplicity
The Kippie concept is for everyone: accessible and inexpensive. Kippie wanted to keep it that way so for the development of the new concept we took simplicity as a starting point: 2D and 3D. The visual identity has been simplified and clarified and translated into instore communication, the facade, a clothing line, the lorries, leaflets and posters. Due to a better store layout, the use of real materials and fresh colors the new shop is Kippie at its best.
The Kippie concept is for everyone: accessible and inexpensive.
The Kippie concept is for everyone: accessible and inexpensive.

the simplicity of Kippie as a starting point: 2D and 3D
the simplicity of Kippie as a starting point: 2D and 3D


Hans Preeker
managing partner | consultant
Stefan van der Weele
interior architect
Rob Erdmann
graphic designer

visit this place?

By 2022, Kippie has over 60 stores throughout the Netherlands. There is always one nearby. We are allways more than happy to join for a bite. And by the way: we also created Vissie. Same, same but different with fresh fish.

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